
Welcome one and all to my new professional blog, My name is Toby Marks and I work as a Oracle Consultant at Infolob Solutions in Irving, Texas. My old blog is still up on Tumblr, and there are a few items there that folks still find useful. Most of the content is a bit dated, though, as I’ve been out of the blogging game for a while.

This is my attempt to turn that around.

What I needed was a breath of technological fresh air. Something to excite me about blogging again. So as a personal challenge, and in the spirit of adopting the latest and greatest platforms, I have decided to use Hugo for static web page generation. I wanted to provide a site with the fastest possible page load times by maintaining maximum control over coding and site customization. I also love the immediate feedback Hugo gives you while you’re coding a page. No more precious seconds lost on Wordpress or Blogger! The site will be hosted on my Github, which will provide me with version control and an easy method for synchronization with the web server.

I hope you enjoy the new site. I look forward to adding some interesting content over the coming weeks.

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